This is a pretty shocking study. A group of British researchers concluded that social class categorization has a profound effect on the biological aging process. I'll let you guess which social classes tend to age the fastest...
The shorthand version: out of 1,552 women, all from various classes and all with an average age of 46, those in lower classes were seven biological years older on average. This resulted from the high levels of stress that lower classes were subjected to on a daily basis.
This study may have been based in Britain, but the results can be applied anywhere. Stress is stress, whether you're a British manual laborer or an American one. I think this is all the more reason to invest in a more nationalized healthcare system that would also encompass some of the psychological aspects resulting from social class-induced stress.
1 comment:
Makes a whole lotta sense, given that the poor have on average shorter lifespans. You're right about nationalized healthcare. This scene about Norway which Michael Moore left out of his movie is pretty incredible:
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